Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

How I hold space for directees

House Keeping and Confidentiality


Join me for a session

Contact for more information:

I meet with individuals in person throughout the Fox Valley, Wisconsin (Appleton, Oshkosh, and Fond du Lac), by phone, or Skype. Email me to set up a time to talk.

Also, please see my page on setting up a session.

You can also complete the form below with your questions or for more information.

Join Me for a Session

I sit with men and women anywhere from every two weeks to every four weeks. Spiritual direction loses its benefit when spread out more than once a month. Please check out my availability with the link below. Our first session together is always complementary in order to give us a chance to discern whether meeting would be beneficial.

Spiritual Direction Availability Calendar

Also, please familiarize yourself with how I hold space for directees, my house-keeping and confidentiality standards, and rates.

You can also complete the form below with your questions or for more information.

How I hold space for directees

I want to beg you, as much as I can, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.
~Rainer Maria Rilke

We all need to engage with others in our pursuit of a deeper connection with the divine and our connections with others. Most often we just need to find someone to help us ask the right questions. This is what I seek to offer. I am and will always be a beginning one… and my deep desire is to listen and walk with you on your spiritual journey as well. I do not expect to change or “fix,” but more to help you find the way to grow and engage in the transformation that comes from connecting with that which is beyond and within yourself. It is my honor and blessing to help you find the questions that lead to movement and to a deeper and more significant relationship with the divine and others… and I invite you to join me.

I welcome you to reflect in whatever ways you experience God/Spirit/Source/the Divine. I specifically offer contemplate spiritual direction, which as James Finely has stated, is “the practice of speaking about that which can’t be put into words.” I do believe that there is an art and skill that can be developed in verbalizing our inner life. In this, we are able to pay closer attention to our inner workings and to how the divine is working in our life.

For more clarification, please take a look at “Clarifying the Spiritual Direction Relationship.”

For clarification and “assumptions” regarding phone and Skype conversations, please take a look at “Foundational Understandings For Non Face to Face Direction.”

If you have more questions or would like to meet for direction you can find more information HERE.

House Keeping and Confidentiality

Our journey together, while focused on you and your experiences, is impacted by my journey as well. I consider myself always in process, so your feedback is always welcome as to what is serving you and what isn’t. Part of this process for me is taking responsibility to reflect on my own experience with a supervisor. This is something that all spiritual directors take very seriously. Please know, though, that our conversations are very sacred to me and you will be kept in absolute anonymity and confidentiality. I am also required to report anything that would cause physical, emotional, or sexual harm to a minor or elderly.

Our focus will be on your life experience, and your own encounter with God. If we reach a point where my listening and guidance does not serve you, I will work with you to find someone who can be of better assistance. This is not counseling, that being a conversation between two people in the presence of the Spirit, regarding things you would like to overcome. Spiritual Direction is a conversation with you and the Spirit, in the presence of another person (me) who can help you pay closer attention to the places you are being led and invited to step into.

If you have more questions or would like to meet for direction you can find more information HERE.


As this is my professional practice and a means of supporting my family, I take my responsibility to you very seriously. I have invested and continue to invest many hours and resources towards my training and ability to serve you on your spiritual journey. In return, I would ask that you own your own responsibility towards your spiritual journey by making a financial exchange. I accept a sliding scale of approximately $50-$120. If money is a hurdle, we will discuss in person.

If you have more questions or would like to join meet for direction you can find more information HERE.

Clarifying the Spiritual Direction Relationship

Clarifying the Spiritual Direction Relationship
by Nate Bettger

  1. The director serves the sole purpose of helping the directee grow in their spiritual journey. Most often this includes looking deeply into “God” images, prayer and meditation practices, experiences of presence, and relationships. Also, personality type, “soul gifts/calling,” dreams, nature experience, and community engagement.
  2. Spiritual direction is different than other counseling/therapy relationships… and also different than simply friendship. There is a distinct focus on supporting the directee in paying attention to the directee’s spiritual journey. Often spiritual direction is referred to as spiritual companioning, but the focus is still the same.
  3. It is assumed that the directee wants to go deeper and grow spiritually.
  4. It is assumed that the Divine|Mystery shows up in our everyday experience (the profound in the ordinary).
  5. It is assumed that the directee takes responsibility for his/her own spiritual growth, which is why there is a desire for spiritual direction. The spiritual director assumes the responsibility of supporting this desire which includes prayer for directees throughout the month, providing supportive tools|questions|ideas, and holding space for one-on-one conversation (every 2|3|4 weeks).
  6. It is assumed that all experience is valid experience and that we use the language that we know best. The director supports the directee in his/her experience and language.
  7. The director does not attempt or seek to “fix” the directee. The fixing comes from the directee through awareness of self and engagement with the spiritual journey and “conversation” with “the Divine.”

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction (or Spiritual Companioning), very different than counseling and psychotherapy, is the act of one person (the spiritual director/companion) acting as a witness, support, and companion for another (the directee) on their spiritual journey. While most often other healing professions are one person helping the other with their problems or issues going on in his/her life, Spiritual Direction is more concerned with the ups and the downs of everyday life and the presence of the sacred that is found in that.

The director does not seek to “fix” or to diagnose, but to ask questions and help you pay attention to the leadings of the spirit and help find direction or clarity.

While founded in the first few centuries of Christianity, spiritual direction has become a very significant practice for many diverse spiritual paths. I have worked with those from the Christian tradition, yogic tradition, Buddhist tradition, and the “not-quite-sure” tradition. All have found our times together to be extremely beneficial in growing their spiritual practice and sense of calling and purpose in their communities.

I offer spiritual direction in person and through skype, zoom, email, and phone.

For more clarification, please take a look at “Clarifying the Spiritual Direction Relationship.”

For clarification and “assumptions” regarding phone and Skype conversations, please take a look at “Foundational understandings For Non face to face Direction.”

Spiritual Directors International also has some good definitions of Spiritual Direction.

Contact for more information:

If you have more questions or would like to meet for direction you can find more information HERE.